Premek Beran
Mailpremysl.beran [at]
Current Projects and Collaborations
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Selected Publications
V. Paul-Boncour, P. Beran, C. Hervoches, V. Shtender, TbMgNi4–xCox–(H,D)2 System. II: Correlation between Structural and Magnetic Properties, ACS Omega (2023).
N.M. Jobst, N. Paul, P. Beran, M. Mancini, R. Gilles, M. Wohlfahrt-Mehrens, P. Axmann, Dynamic Structure Evolution of Extensively Delithiated High Voltage Spinel Li1+xNi0.5Mn1.5O4 x < 1.5, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 145 (2023) 4450–4461.
C. Solís, A. Kirchmayer, I. da Silva, F. Kümmel, S. Mühlbauer, P. Beran, B. Gehrmann, M.H. Haghighat, S. Neumeier, R. Gilles, Monitoring the precipitation of the hardening phase in the new VDM® Alloy 780 by in-situ high-temperature small-angle neutron scattering, neutron diffraction and complementary microscopy techniques, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 928 (2022) 167203.
V. Pacheco, J.J. Marattukalam, D. Karlsson, L. Dessieux, K. Van Tran, P. Beran, I. Manke, N. Kardjilov, H. Markötter, M. Sahlberg, R. Woracek, On the relationship between laser scan strategy, texture variations and hidden nucleation sites for failure in laser powder-bed fusion, Materialia 26 (2022) 101614.
S.R. Larsen, V. Shtender, D. Hedlund, E.K. Delczeg-Czirjak, P. Beran, J. Cedervall, A. Vishina, T.C. Hansen, H.C. Herper, P. Svedlindh, O. Eriksson, M. Sahlberg, Revealing the Magnetic Structure and Properties of Mn(Co,Ge)2, Inorg. Chem. 61 (2022) 17673–17681.
D. Karlsson, P. Beran, L. Riekehr, J.-C. Tseng, P. Harlin, U. Jansson, J. Cedervall, Structure and phase transformations in gas atomized AlCoCrFeNi high entropy alloy powders, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 893 (2022) 162060.
P. Strunz, R. Kocich, P. Beran, L. Kunčická, D. Mukherji, R. Gilles, M. Hofmann, Structure and Microstructure of Advanced Materials Characterized by Neutron Diffraction, Materials Science Forum 1016 (2021) 1404–1410.