Contact ESS
The European Spallation Source is based in Lund, Sweden. Our Data Management & Software Centre is north of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Postal Address:
European Spallation Source ERIC
Box 176
SE-221 00, Lund
Delivery Address:
Gate E/F03
Transportgatan 5
SE-224 84, Lund
Invoice Address:
European Spallation Source ERIC
Att: NN
Box 176
SE-221 00, Lund, Sweden
E-mail addresses
Media enquiries: press@ess.eu
Procurement: procurement@ess.eu
Invoices: invoices@ess.eu
For Swedish Authorities: myndighetspost@ess.eu
Visiting ESS
ESS is currently under construction and is very limited in capacity for visits. Priority is given to potential future users and partners.
To enquire further about visits please contact info@ess.eu, including details of the purpose and relevance of a visit, how many visitors would be in a group and at least two potential dates.
Want to explore ESS online?
Take a look at Explore ESS - our dedicated pages that introduce ESS - what it is, what it is for, and how it works: ess.eu/explore
Getting to ESS Lund
Lund visiting address:
Partikelgatan 2
224 84 Lund
Getting to ESS DMSC
Visiting address
Please note that as of 25 March 2024 ESS DMSC is no longer located at the COBIS building on Ole Maaløes Vej 3.
Asmussens Allé
Bygning 305
2800 Lyngby
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