ESS Family Support

Welcome to Sweden, Denmark and the European Spallation Source!

Moving to another country is often not an individual decision, it is a family decision. It is of great importance to ESS that the entire family feels comfortable and at home as soon as possible after relocating to Sweden or Denmark. To assist our families in this process, ESS offers help before and after the actual move.
- A pre-visit during which general information is given about the region, taxes, pensions and social security systems
- Help from a relocation firm to find a home, daycare and/or school
- Assistance with the physical move from a professional company
- Installation allowance
- Tips and advice for partners concerning working in Sweden/Denmark
- Moving-in support from a relocation firm
- Settling-in support from a relocation firm
- Three months of ongoing support from a relocation firm
- Relocation allowance
- Allowance for non-working partner
- ESS Family Forum
Please check your relocation package for more details to see exactly what level of support you are entitled to.
ESS Family Forum
More tips on moving with your family
Living in ScandinaviaThe ESS Family Forum helps the families of ESS employees keep on top of what is happening at ESS and in the area, as well as establish a local network of friends and colleagues. We also give support to those who are interested in finding employment.
ESS Welcome Letter
Upon arrival, you will receive an e-mail Welcome Letter with useful information for your first period in Sweden/Denmark. The e-mail will include important tips, links and attachments for you and your family.
ESS Welcome Fika with Lund International Citizen Hub (LICH)
The Human Resources Division, together with Lund International Citizen Hub (LICH), organise Welcome Fikas where all accompanying families and partners are welcome. The Swedish word 'fika' (fee-kah) refers to the popular, traditional activity of having a cup of coffee or tea with friends, accompanied by something sweet to eat (read more here). The fikas usually take place at LICH (Lund International Citizen Hub)- see information below.
Upcoming Events
No events currently scheduled.
Invitations to our events are sent out on a regular basis on our ESS Family Forum Facebook page (see below for details).
Other Social Activities at ESS
ESS families are very welcome guests at our ESS After Work events and other celebrations, e.g. Midsummer Fika, Oktoberfest, Halloween and Christmas/Lucia. To keep up to date with these events, please join our closed ESS Facebook page.
To support communication we use social media; notably Facebook. you are welcome to join our Family Forum Facebook page to find information posted by us and other families, and allows you to be active yourself! At present we have four groups, the three others being the ESS Out to Lunch group, ESS Family buy/sell/give away group and the ESS Partners’ Job Seeking group. More information on the last group can be found on the Working in Sweden page. More Facebook groups are in the pipeline, and you are more than welcome to suggest groups according to your interest!
When looking for employment, LinkedIn is an important site to be registered on. LinkedIn helps by boosting visibility and allows you to creatively market yourself. The site also provides daily tips on interesting job opportunities in your area and allows you to connect to all your business contacts, friends and acquaintances. Keep your status updated and let everyone know that you are available for new challenges, or send individual e-mails to people in your network and let them know you would be interested in hearing more about any opportunities that might arise. You can also ask for references on LinkedIn.
Please register, and then join the ESS spouses’ LinkedIn page.