A Call for Abstracts has been announced for the 16th International Conference on Surface X-ray and Neutron Scattering, to be held in Lund between 23 June and 26 June 2020. The conference is co-organised by ESS and MAX IV, with the support of Lund Institute of advanced Neutron and X-ray Science, LINXS.
The scientific programme for SXNS16 will emphasise novel techniques for surface x-ray and neutron scattering, including instrumentation and source development, and plenary speakers are Robert Feidenhans’l from XFEL in Germany and Robert Thomas from Oxford University in UK.
The deadline for abstract submission is 9 March 2020. For further information visit the conference website sxns16.org or send an e-mail to SXNS16@maxiv.lu.se. More information is available on the SXSN16 conference website.
The chairs of SXNS16 are Tom Arnold from ESS, and Ann Terry from MAX IV.