Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year's ESS ILL User Meeting, from 23-25 September, will be held as a digital conference. You can also catch the live webcast on YouTube - links on the event website.
In 2018, ILL and ESS hosted their first European Users Meeting in Grenoble. This successful meeting provided the opportunity to review the achievements of the user community, present the current status of ILL and ESS, and, most importantly, to look forward to the scientific opportunities ahead for neutron science.
The future of neutron scattering is promising, and requires both facilities and the user community to take a proactive and strategic approach to navigating and managing the changing availability of neutron instruments in a holistic way, in order to ensure the sustainability and vitality of this important research technique.
- The meeting will comprise four short, mixed sessions covering facility updates, plenary science talks, and technical talks. There will also be a 'Question & Answer' discussion session.
- Given the meeting has been changed to a digital format, we are not accepting abstracts for the event.
- Information on topical workshops – replacing the initially planned parallel sessions - is available on the event website.