ESS and MAX IV Laboratory are pleased to announce that the next International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) High Pressure Workshop will be held on 25-28 September 2024 at Medicon Village in Lund, Sweden.
The 2024 Workshop focuses on advancing high-pressure research across scientific disciplines, aiming to foster interdisciplinary collaborations and providing opportunities for young researchers to learn state-of-the-art methods in X-ray and neutron scattering experiments.
The workshop, organised jointly by ESS and MAX IV Laboratory, is offered in person or remotely.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to Lund in September 2024!
The Local Organising Committee
Damian Paliwoda (chair, ESS), Caroline Curfs (ESS), Pascale Deen (ESS), Carina Lobley (ESS), Florence Porcher (ESS), Innokenty Kantor (MAX IV), Mikhail Feygenson (ESS)
Important dates
- Abstract submission deadline: 15 April
- Abstract notification: 3 May
- Deadline for registration when accepted abstract: 1 June
Useful Links
- For more information: www.iucr-hpw2024.org.
- Link to registration: https://mkon.nu/iucr_high-pressure_workshop/participation_registration
- Link to Abstract submission: https://mkon.nu/iucr_high-pressure_workshop/abstract_submission